Who is best a freelance Copywriter or Copywriting Professional from a specific company

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*SEO Copywriter:Momenul Ahmad, (freelance/remote individual search operator for SEO Copywrite Services).

**e-commerce copywriter Momenul Ahmad (direct longtail search by key phrase and kye niche strategists).

***SEOSiri:SEO Copywriter (Company “SEOSiri” search operators for SEO Copywriting Professional).

****Freelance Copywriter: Momenul Ahmad

Follow the above direction to define the appropriate feedback on your expected search intent for the best Copywriter.

Now, let’s compress the answer for Is freelance Copywriter or a Copywriting professional from a specific company the best?

"Copywriting/SEO Copywriting/eCommerce Copywriting is promoting content through writing that does not feel likes promotional.  
-Momenul Ahmad 


Exclusive Read: 

What skills and expertise must I have as a Copywriter, SEO copywriter, eCommerce Copywriter?

Freelance Copywriter or a specific Copywriting company/copywriting service provider! in both cases both can be a better Copywriting hero/heroine or can be the Copywriting Villans.

So, the sum is hiring a perfectionists Copywriter and the Skilled eCommerce Copywriter /Copywriter/SEO Copywriter, Whereas it’s a freelance copywriter or a copywriting company, It totally seems to the weather forecasts (where certainty imbalanced).

It's last but not least for hiring individual freelance copywriting services or buying a specific company’s copywriting service.

Okay, I got to cover but, How do I find the best freelance copywriting or copywriting for a specific company?

Uh la lala lalallla uhh laaa

Tiki Tini Crunchy Crispy,

Abracadabra Gili Gili Chu.

Let’s hunt the SEO Copywriting Talents, following Steps to measuring and finding the best freelance Copywriting Performers, and SEO Copywriting companies:

* Do you remember, I started with one search term and two search operators?

* Can’t memorize it! No problem just scroll up the lances on top first and Googled for Momenul Ahmad’s and SEOSiri’s Copywriting/eCommerce Copywriting/SEO Copywriting Services.

* Order Copy and get the “Tiki Tini Crunchy Crispy” results that can bound you to pronounce “Uh la lala lalallla uhh laaa”.

* Replace SEOSiri (with a specific company name) + add your niche + add Copywriter.

* Replace Momenul Ahmad (my name) add someone’s name (one who you know or are familiar with SEO Copywriting, Like Momenul Ahmad, + add Freelance SEO Copywriting Service.

* Apply with specific longtail keywords to find someone special in Copywriting, like ** marked search terms above, and replace niche with your own niches (keywords).

Freelance Copywriter, SEO Copywriter, eCommerce Copywriter (Remote)

To hire from the marketplace apply these Search Operators:

PPH: freelance copywriters.

Upwork: freelance copywriters.

Fiverr: freelance copywriters.

Freelancer: freelance copywriters.

All cases must look up the ratings, previous client’s feedback, observe Copywrite content and recommendations.

To hire freelancing Copywrite professional from b2b site, Social Media, QA Platform tactics to follow:

Find a copywriter, Copywrite service provider company on the group, posts, forum, hashtags, mention.

Choose someone from your network.

Hire the past client recommended Copywriting professional.

Post authentic job post mentioning the targeted Copywriter (be professional, when posting a job post then only provide real needs).

Site availability, besides social media job posts, publishes a Copywriting job post on own blog/website (if have).

Subscribe to personal and company newsletter.

Follow Freelance Copywriting Professionals and companies on LinkedIn, Social Media, and other platforms (see their activities and find an amazing creative copywriter then gradually communicate to hire him as the best Copywriter for you and your company.

Momenul Ahmad, The independent, Freelanced, Remote Copywriting, SEO Copywriting, e-commerce Copywriting Professional one who is willing to Relocate, follow him elsewhere in the entire web:

LinkedIn Company PageLinkedInGoogle GMBQuora ProfileQuora SpaceSlackSubstackRevueInstagramPinterestGoogle DevelopersGrowthHackers Profile.

Whatever, where has been you hired a copywriter through the job boards, freelancing platforms, or an individual freelance copywriter or a company that doesn’t matter.

The matter is with Copywriting Outcomes so before final hiring, I’ll suggest sampling hire process, i.e. If you have large projects then hire a Copywriter from a different company, different Copywriting freelancer then distribute three, four, or more content to them and motion their published Copywrite Content’s Performance.

Gradually the results will say who and which companies Copywriter is the best performing Copywriter?

I hope, I got to you, Uh la lala lalallla uhh laaa.

Abracadabra Gili Gili Chu.

Need Help With Copywriting, SEO Copywriting, E-commerce Copywriting that’s work in both as magically, strategically too?

Contact me with your specific Copywriting questions, concerns, or needs. I, and We The Team SEOSiri would be happy to see how our Copywrite, SEO Copywriting, and eCommerce Copywriting Services can help drive your business’s performance.

Service Invitation To Business, Brands, and Professionals:

Request a quote and Schedule an Appointment or go through to get help in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also on any digital marketing service-related issues please reach me/us through my/our Customer Enquiry Page.

Thank you


Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals on ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

How much does hourly SEO Copywriting cost in European Countries

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In European Regions like the Netherlands includes Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, and Southern European countries (EU) average SEO Copywriting Cost by hourly (remote, freelance) starts from € 30, € 70, € 100.

And, the mentioned above SEO Copywriting (English) rate differs (increase and digress) due to:

  1. SEO Copywriter's SEO Copywriting Skillsets.
  2. SEO Copywriting Content's Length.
  3. Vary for content niches (keywords competitions).
  4. Freelance remote Copywriting Professionals GEO location.
  5. SEO Copywriter year of experience in Copywriting and SEO Copywriting Projects Completion.

SEO Copywriting cost in EU

European Union (EU's) SEO Copywriting Service Seekers Ask:

I got to cover hourly SEO Copywriting Service Charge in the EU, But I'm seeking the best SEO Copywriting Services (remote SEO freelancer) is at a reasonable price.

So being a freelance remote SEO Copywriter, How do you support me with your SEO Copywriting?

Okay, I can deliver the best SEO Copywrite Copy at € 10 for 700 to 1k words, € 15 for 1k plus words (an hourly rate that's almost 75% less than in your region's (European Countries), SEO Copywriting Rate).

And I'm fluent in any niches but feel discomfort with drugs, racism, religion, vulgarity, and nudity niches.

I hope I got to cover. Also, feel free to say if you have SEO Copywriting Enquiry and request you to visit my Quora Profile And my digital marketing blog to know more about my SEO Copywriting, SEO Writing, eCommerce Copywriting, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Social Media Optimization service expertise.

Momenul Ahmad's (My) SEO, SEO Copywriting, e-Commerce Copywriting, and Digital Marketing Outcomes at a glance:

  1. What is the legality of web scraping? (Recent SEO Copywriting, Client Octoparse)
  2. Visit Recommendations.
  3. Visit Google Reviews


The Calculus Trigger for hourly SEO COpywriting Cost in EU:

Investing your SEO Copywriting Budgets in Momenul Ahmad's SEO Copywriting Service Means you are saving €75 (+/-) on every €100 spent.

So I can grant that it's the over wining opportunity for European Union's Regional business especially for whom those are tech-savvy and fiding the best SEO Copywriter within the tire budget.

Let's walk together, let's grow the brand together.

Invitation Note:

Need Help With Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEO Copywriting/EditingSEO RewritingBlog Writing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Brand Marketing, Quora Marketing, and Digital Marketing Campaign?

Thank you


Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals on ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

How do I increase Google SERPs Click-through rate (CTR)

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I'm sure you know what Google ranks content on the SERP as the basis on content health and the web audience's intent and a searcher's interaction surrounding your published content that helps to grow the content's CTR in Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)?

Unveiled maths to increase the Content Click-Through Rate (CTR) through the Search Engine Results Page, includes Google SERPs, Bing SERPs, Yandex SERPs, Yahoo SERPs, also as well as the others SERPs:

Two and two make a four, thus the same way, When a content builder builds the content, then the content developer firstly focuses on the audience's expectations besides focusing on the search algorithm for:

  1. Search Indexing.
  2. Search Crawling.
  3. Indexed SERPs.
  4. Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs),

Aiming gets the audience's attention one his content on SERPs rank.

So, A well-optimized content is when a searcher discovers in Google and matches with his search intent, then, the searcher moves forward to a specific destiny clicking on a particular link.


Ultimately, on that time, on that site, when a searcher (web audience) reached, then the audience browsed, read, search on-site, and take decisions to complete an action, like purchase, booking, order, download, subscribe.

But, If a destinate site structure, not UX friendly, then ultimately CTR goes down, content and site bounce rate goes high that's why consistency is to balance content building and search experience (search optimized content) for strategic impacts to grow Google SERPs CTR.

Following steps to increase the Contents CTR in Google Search, Helps to write an engaging SEO Copy, and grow Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

  • Write A headline that's emphasized curiosity
  • Title with clear hints for asking, solving, and answering
  • Visually feel you're A guide that can read the audience's mind and can reply instantly
  • (write a descriptive context) so that the audience feels all things natural
  • Always writeup the following Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Avoid Inertia and over-expertise in writing (blogging, writing),
  • and voicing (vlogs, podcasts).
  • Remember it, Concentrating on humor, fun, strategy in writing is best practice.
  • Let the audience in thinking through the entire context.
  • Take breaks between pre-description, description and to take breaks, add authentic and relevant Quotes or a gif.
  • Tell the story that refreshes the audience's brain, and return their psychology to your title. 
  • Help to make decisions and conversational in writing
  • Avoid entirely selling pitches, but "promote without feelings like promotional"
  • Make it enjoyable, avoid unnecessary Expansion in a written context.
  • Write clear copy following keywords placements, link anchoring, backlinking, and backlinks guide.
  • Avoid unnecessary branding, apply less colorful content, Optimize page speed, and over-sponsored content (Ads) helps reduce bounce rate.
  • Being a website owner needs to focus on content optimization for human intent, and search algorithms.
  • Consider the technical issues fixing for (UX) surrounding the website/blog's content.

Follow the above-mentioned best SEO Copywriting practices in writing to Increase CTR in Google search and roll on the buyer's journey through a conversational approach (in some cases follow the expert's Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) guide) that helps a buyer to take action to make the decision.

WWW disclaimer:

If you are familiar with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), then ready, steady, go for optimization to increase the Click-through rate (CTR) on Google SERP.


Alongside, If you can't optimize your content, then hire SEOs nevertheless, you may pay off a lot for doing misguided SEO cause SEO is a Big Deal.

So beware before doing anything wrong in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Let's practice this simple, but the authentic guide to increasing Google's SERP's ranked Search Engine Result's CTR that's fairly meet the audience's need (a satisfied buyer or customer's journey) from the beginning to last (decide the decisions).


So if a website, a blog owner follows the above described best practices (this blog post context), then the websites/blog owners can balance to increase the Google SERPs CTR comprising with the user intent and Google Search and Content Ranking Algorithm.

Invitation Note:

Need Help With Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEO Copywriting/EditingSEO RewritingBlog Writing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Brand Marketing, Quora Marketing, and Digital Marketing Campaign?

I hope it's answered.

Thank you


Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals on ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

Updates: 30/11/2021, 05/12/2021

How do I hire a pro eCommerce SEO Copywriter?

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It's easy to hire a pro, e-commerce SEO Copywriter cause Momenul Ahmad being the E-commerce Copywriter, SEO Copywriter unveiled an e-commerce SEO Copywriting Service for E-commerce businesses.

So that e-commerce business owners can have a chance to hire a pro-eCommerce SEO Copywriter at a reasonable price with lots of E-commerce Content Promotion Facilities within the tire budgets.

Let's Cap Momenul Ahmad's SEO Copywriting offer and e-commerce copywriting Service Features: 

Dear e-Commerce Business Owners,

We are bringing good news to you (eCommerce Business Owner) that we the SEOSiri offer a month-long (26 working day) eCommerce copywriting service offer for 300–400-word SEO and Humans Intent Optimized products description at $100, 1000k words blog post at $300, Ad Copy, and Ads Management charge is 30% of your every budgeted Ad Spends. 

Also, from now on, you'll enjoy SEOSiri's Organic Traffic and Follower's 100$ organic engagement surrounding your content.

eCommerce Copywriter

Breathing points that's SEOSiri/Momenul Ahmad assures in this eCommerce SEO Copywriting, Copywriting Service includes e-Commerce content promotion facilities at an affordable price:

1. You'll be facilitated for a wide range of content syndication opportunities through SEOSiri's all Social Media Channels.

2. Have the lucrative opportunity to utilize your brand's potential reach.

3. Backlinks to earning opportunities on authoritative sites.

4. Have a chance to grow your business with SEO Siri (Make use of SEO Siri Brand Reputation).

5. 100% content ranking (text, product images) assurance across all major search engines.

6. Riskless social share, and brand mention.

7. Granted organic and fresh SEO Copy Writing.

8. Granted productions, less talking impressive e-commerce SEO copy, and more features will add upon depending on the e-commerce SEO Copywriting demands.

9. Malty variant keywords ranking opportunity.

10. There hasn't been any chance to Google Penalty.

11. Free intro consultancy in the e-commerce business.

12. Content viewership (organic) must increase by 100%.

13. High DA and PA traffic Referring URLs.

14. Audience size top GEO located country (developed country).

15. The audience age group is 18 to 47 which almost looks like an e-commerce business's targeted buyer persona group.

16. Publication in SEO Siri's two LinkedIn newsletters.

17. Your content on 200k+ membered Facebook Groups.

18. 100% content visibility on 10M Quora users through several Quora Spaces (own plus contributed), and many more.

19. Free business promotion consultancy.

Note: More facilities in e-Commerce SEO Copywriting are coming soon (TAC Apply)

So, it's an opportunity for you to hire a Pro E-commerce SEO copywriter and also an immersing chance for me to support you with my E-Commerce Copywriting.



So, are you ready to grab the chance to hire a pro "Momenul Ahmad" as your E-Commerce SEO Copywriter/SEO Copywriter?

SEO Siri Founder, Momenul Ahmad's Proposes:

Need Help with Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEO Copywriting/Editing, SEO Rewriting, Blog Writing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Brand Marketing, Quora Marketing, and Digital Marketing Campaign?

Contact "Momenul Ahmad" with your specific questions, concerns, or needs and Submit an Enquiry 

Closeup: I and the team SEO Siri love work fun.

Waiting to look back from you and also eagerly waiting to give you a positive vibe.

Thank you


Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals with ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEO Siri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

Updates: Last updated, 21/11/2021, 28/11/21, 23/04/2023