SEOSiri newsletter Webhook https code status 200 vs 405
SEOSiri Webhook https code status 200 vs 405:
The main differences are that not having the proper URL path like a complete URL with an ending path means URL status 200 and neither does a complete URL with a proper ending path mean URL status 405.
SEOSiri Blog's Webhook History for SEOSiri Newsletter-
SEOiri newsletter webhook EVENTS:
SEOSiri newsletter Webhook Response HTTP 200
{ "cache-control": "s-maxage=3, stale-while-revalidate", "content-encoding": "br", "content-security-policy": "default-src *; script-src * 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src * 'unsafe-inline'; font-src *; img-src * data:", "content-type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", "date": "Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:04:48 GMT", "etag": "W/\"12p48becrsj1i4r\"", "referrer-policy": "origin-when-cross-origin", "server": "Vercel", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=63072000", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-frame-options": "deny", "x-matched-path": "/newsletter", "x-powered-by": "Next.js", "x-vercel-cache": "MISS", "x-vercel-id": "pdx1:pdx1:pdx1::pdx1::-----------------------", "connection": "close", "transfer-encoding": "chunked" }
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URL status 405 vs 200, Recommended read:
Check Crawled - currently not indexed:
Oh really! Do you want to index your content in a few minutes or any way?
Okay, do not be tense cause I made it easy for you and set up strategic and Google Friendly content, blog, and website index guidelines that must be in a level of content indexing best practice.
So, let’s create smart content and help Google to index that content in a few minutes.
“Yahoo, Bing may show a piece of content on SERPs within a minute but, it’s not the total cause Googlebot is smarter than anyone.
You, I, and even no one can have the capability to index their content, i.e. a single blog post and even any piece of content on Google and other Search Engines because it belongs to Google, Read more on Quora (relevant answer on it)
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