What FAQs are on your mind about web data scraping, data scraping tools?

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Whether you are a data enthusiast, data scientist, simply a data scraping professional, or, a data researcher/data analyst, a business professional while monitoring, analyzing, scrapping data, arranging data, filtering data, and importing extracted data for business purposes also being a data scraper enthusiast while seeking answers on web data scraping, and data scraping tools FAQ.

Questions and answers on Quora in reply to your frequently asked questions (FAQs) about web data scraping, and data scraping tools:

What is a good Mac web scraper?

We are here to find the best web scraper that’s not only a good Mac web scraper but also works on any device and, is a fully effective data scraping solution for any OS, i.e.:

Mac OS, and Windows OS, incorporate with any business size, or business category, i.e. eCommerce, Shopify, Facebook focusing, and the legal data collection ethic.

FYN, Octoparse scrapes, whatever data (any website, any operating system supported, OS) that’s most desirable to you for Mac OS, Windows OS, and other Operating Systems (OS).

I hope already you got the hints for Mac OS Supported Web Scraper. Now let’s try to define:

How do searchers engage with these search terms, search topics by business category from Google Trends for scraping, Mac OS, eCommerce data, and Data Scraping?

Google Trends Compared breakdown for web scraper, data scraping, macOS, Read more from the original answer on Quora for not only good but also the best Mac web scraper

Is there any way to extract data from Facebook?

Yes, there are a lot of data extractors to scrape Facebook data but before knowing them, let's try to learn about Facebook Data Market Share,  Facebook Data Mining, Facebook data research, data analysis, Facebook market monitoring, Facebook market analysis, Local Citations:

  1. How do I start Facebook data collecting, mining data, and shorting data from Facebook groups, Facebook profiles, and Facebook pages?
  2. In this case, Do I extract Facebook Data manually?
  3. Is it impossible to extract Facebook data?
  4. Is there any technique/way for extracting large amounts of Facebook data automatically?

Since Facebook belongs to large amounts of active data, So is it possible to (extract) collect, mine, short, and arrange large amounts of data manually?

No, it's impossible, but not hard cause there are multiple ways to extract Facebook data, Learn more from my answer on Quora.

Which of the best web scraping software has the top 10 software quality attributes?

If you feel the reality for the best web data scraping software has the top 10 software quality attributes, then you have to focus on that web scraping software’s pre-qualification, post-qualifications, and random adaptability along with above mentioned the 6Q parameters, web data scraping FAQs, and the top 10 Software Quality Attributes.

The 6Q parameters of the web data scraping software, also for any type of software: and even for a product or any services, i.e.,

  1. Quality planning.
  2. Quality assurance.
  3. Quality control.
  4. Quality improvement.
  5. Quality productions.
  6. Quality feedback.

All goodies in a web data scraping software that have the top 10 software quality attribute ensure that this is the best e best web data scraping tool, i.e., Octoparse, and the other best web data scraping tool found on MarketWatch as:

Top players covered in this Web Scraping Software Market research report:

● Import.io.

● Octopus Data.

● Mozenda.

● Diffbot.

● Scrapinghub.

Read more from Momenul Ahmad's parent answers on Quora the best web scraping software has the top 10 software quality attributes

What are some of the best web data scraping tools?

Before declaring a web data scraping tool as the best web data scraping tool, we should first look upon the 6Q parameters of a web data scraping tool, and even for a product or any services, i.e., quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, quality improvement, quality productions, and the quality feedback.

Also, give proper feedback for the accurate e-commerce data scraping and the overall web data scraping FAQs, I.E.,

How do the best web scrapers reach their clients, customers, and audiences?

How do web scrapers provide the best support to their clients?

Do web scraping service providers listen to their clients properly?

Do they have the best service features that suit a single user, SMEs, Mid-level businesses, and large business groups that also meet the data scraping needs of any business?

Does a web scraping tool work with any business category?

How much do web scrapers adapt to trending technology?

So to be the best web data scraping tool, to achieve customer/client satisfaction and the growth of customer retention, web scraping tools/software have the proper answers for the above FAQs.

Also, have to ensure the 6Q software quality parameters, and e-commerce data scraping FAQs.

Wait! Just film roll rolling so it’s not the end, that means If there has obtained the above-mentioned question's answer theater you can not declare or think a web scraping tool is the best web scraping tool.

The best web data scraping tools

To declare, to decide, to choose the best web data scraping tools???

If you want to declare, decide, and choose any of the web scraping tools as the best web data scraping tools then, you have to consider these the top 10 software quality attributes, whether it’s a web scraper or any upcoming and existing software on this planet.

The top 10 Software Quality Attributes:

  1. Reliability Engineering: This software attribute refers to the human interface rather than the technical interface.
  2. Usability: This quality attribute assures outcomes of software, and customers/software user’s overall satisfaction. Also, this attribute helps to grow the web scraping software market share, and the user's retention and positive reaction on the best web scraper or whichever surrounding the best software in the software market.
  3. Maintainability: This attribute refers to a software repair that happens for a specific time from the server end, maintains and updates, or can be maintained instantly by recommended action from the server side, and interaction that is complete from the user’s end by that means smooth software maintainability equals users satisfaction.
  4. Portability: The Software portability attribute refers to how OS-friendly the software is? How hassle-free software is that assures software compatibility with one another devices by that software components adaptability?
  5. Software testability: Software testability attributes exam to fit a software user UI for more productivity over a software simplicity, controllability, stability, availability, controllability, and observability.
Read more on parent answers on Quora, the best web data scraping tool by Momenul Ahmad.

What are some good tools for interactive web scraping and automation?

If you're seeking interactive and automated web scraping tools, then you know the first, What are interactive web scraping and scraping data automation tools?

Interactive web scrape and scraping data automation tool that interacts equally with the human data scraping intention, features of web scrape tools, and web scraping technology

Features of web scraping tools will help you to get an idea about the serviceability and service delivery of a web data scraper that will let you know:

What quality does it obtain in a web scraper?

How effective are web data scraping tools?

Good, and interactive web scraping tools must obtain these features:

  1. Tech friendly: Interactive web scraping tools should be built with the most popular programming that is compatible with all OS, Devices, and human brains.
  2. User-friendly: Easy to use, easy to scrap, works on any device, saves time, fulfills exact web data scraping demands, and provides more linguistic support.
  3. Industry friendly: Broad match with industry category whereas the data scraping aspects for e-commerce industry or hospitality.
  4. Budget-friendly: Do more with fewer spends with interactive and automated web scraper that delivers more but charges a little of amount.
  5. Deliver what: Interactive web scraper delivers the exact, i.e, automated, versatility in data scraping format, scrape large amounts of data, cloud storage, filtered data, well-arranged data, and more that meet any kind of business level’s data scraping needs instantly.
  6. Trust and security: Whether, web scraping tools are interactive or not, automated or manual the core points of view and purpose of trust and security of the web data scraping tools would be the same for all users, and user interactions will be the same for an interactive web data scraper?
  7. Up to date: The interactive web scraping service provider stays focused on technology trends, and they update web scraping tools/software versions with recent tech changes and even compile also considering the legal issues, i.e., GDPR and EU Data Uses Policy to show off the functionality and adaptability.
interactive web scraping tools
Read more from the original answer on Quora: Interactive web scraping and data scraping automation tools.

What is the future of web scraping?

Web Scraping Future:

Though web data scraping market share is rising anyway, web scraping is at a co-industry level in digital marketing.

But, the desired day is not so far that the data scraping growth, scrapped web data productivity, data usability, and the necessity of web data scraping technology will be recognized in the future as the web data scraping industry.

What will happen in the future Data Scraping will lose the Data Scraping Market Share?

Someone may estimate that in the future, the web data scraper will vanish forever.

Attention, Please!!!

I don’t think that, in the future, the web data scraping technique, and tools will no longer exist.

I don’t think that the web data scraper will be listed as an unethical data collection technique and will vanish forever.

Rather than the web data scraping technology (algorithm, tools, software, apps, web apps) will be more modern by following the adaptive and upcoming web technologies as per the future digital marketing demands.

Future of Web Scraping and Future Pattern of The Web Data Scraper, (future web data scraping software design infographic), Read more for future data scraping and future web data scraping tools.

Are web scraping tools the ultimate source for e-commerce business development?

Yes, obviously it is the ultimate source to develop an e-commerce business.

Web Scraper The Ultimate source of e-commerce business development:

The definite way to choose a data scraping tool that meets all the e-commerce data scraping needs whereas it's for the individual e-commerce site, SMEs, LTD, PLC, LLC, and Inc. level of businesses.

So, to get the Ultimate Success in e-commerce development, step forward to the latest web scraping technology integrated sites like Octoparse and scrap e-commerce data in the most popular data scraping format as per your requirement.

And then monitor, analyze, and read more for the 

ultimate source for e-commerce business development?

How does web scraping help your e-commerce development?

Web scraping software not only helps to collect e-commerce development data but also helps to know about the e-commerce Business type, e-commerce business category, e-commerce business features, e-commerce business segments, e-commerce business strategy, e-commerce business policies (return, refund, adjustment), e-commerce business trends, e-commerce business channels (partner, affiliate, supplier, logistics), e-commerce marketplace trends, e-commerce marketplaces updates and Practical Uses of eCommerce Data Scraping Tools

All the Legal Data Scraping Software that helps you find insightful information about web scraping and e-commerce development.

What is the legality of web scraping?

Collecting data isn’t illegal rather data collection is the first stair of the digital knowledge panel that helps us to forget the camel-riding era and push us to the rocket-riding era.

So, collecting data from the entire web whether it’s manual or automated (web scraped), is 100% legal.

Web scraping is illegal:

Sometimes use cases (unethical and misusing the collected data) may banner web scraping as illegal (after judicial judgment between party A and party B).

If you are thirsty Then I would like to request you to read the descriptive context, right here- is web scraping legal or not, read more- Is web data scraping legal or illegal

What is the best web data extractor?

Quora Question Bot Comments on this QA:

This question previously had an answer wiki which has been included below. For more information on answers, wikis see Quora and see there from the top web scraping providers (see Quora Question Bot Comments).

Besides these top Web Data Extractors (Quora Question Bot Suggested), I have discovered another Web Data Extractor that’s not an alternative but a definite Top Web Data Extractor.


Is there a scraper that can scrape e-commerce sites like Shopify?

Yes, Octoparse is the web data scraper that scrapes Shopify e-commerce data very effectively

Scrap Data Ethics:

Yes, Octoparse the web data scraper that scrapes Shopify e-commerce data very effectively, So “Analyze competitors data and implement the set of filtered data from scraped data on your campaign to serve better than the competitor, but not aiming to heart a single of competitors not to imbalance the whole of e-commerce industries, and even any marketplace” - Momenul Ahmad

But, before analyzing Shopify ECommerce Data

Top e-commerce features to consider when analyzing Shopify e-commerce competition by Shopify Data Scraper, (Read More).

I have covered the answers to the above questions on Quora in web data scraping and the web data scraping tools. Also, I will cover more in the future and request you to submit relevant questions to comments.

Thank you


         Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals with ethical SEO and digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

Updates: 01/09/2021, 02/09/2021, 04/09/2021, 12/09.2021, 13/09/2021, 11/05/2024

The ultimate steps to finding the Email sender's accurate location by email address

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Neither you need to become an internet security specialist nor to ask a Govt. Officials to take the support to detect a GEO location of an email sender by email address also you don't need to install any of single IP Tracer and IP Location Finder Apps, email address tracing Software. 

But, being a general web surfer, and nontechnical web professional, How do you find an Email sender's accurate location by e-mail address?

So, Do you want to find your email sender's accurate location by his or her email address and email addresses?

If so, then I got to cover these the ultimate steps to finding the location by email addresses, please let me explain the steps.

Follow these ultimate steps to find any email sender's 100% accurate location by e-mail address, without any technical knowledge.

E-mail sender's Location Finding Ultimate Steps:

Sender email---->email ID to IP---->IP to GEO location.

Email: Open the email, click on to (sender), copy the email ID.

Email to IP: To get IP for the sender, search on Google typing email sender IP then redirects by clicking on top SERPs after that paste email on IP search the IP providers search result will show you IP result for your email sender email.

Email Sender IP to Email Sender's IP Location (Longitude: Latitude): 

To get GEO location for a specific IP address, search on Google "IP Location Finder" choose the top SERPs, and redirect yourself to IP Location Service Provider (IP Location Finding Web Tools/Software) after that paste your email sender's IP on IP Location search bar then the search result will show your desired GEO Location Maps with textual IP Location address.

Why do I find and detect the email sender's location?

Sometimes in some cases, someone may send you a double email from a different email ID (can be a domain email or free email address) for a different purpose (either to compare or monitor and even to make spammy facts happen) from the same location on a different date (or same day, same time), and different time.

So, before being trapped on a fraudulent and spammy e-mail, follow the above IP Location (Visual Maps Data) Finding Steps and filter scraped data following the below table:

E-mail Sender's Location Data Scraping Table

After that scraped web search and researched data that matched with two different emails addresses by IP Address and GEO Location then sent an email following the below email template (fraud detection) to your sender and let him know that you are smarter than your email sender (a competitor, a spammer whatever whomever).

E-mail formate for the detected fraud emailer:

Hi Swan,

With greeting, I'm letting you know that if it's your I.P Address- and Long/Lat is Latitude: 00.000  (24.0055° N,) Longitude: -00.000  (89.2356° E), then I would like to invite you to Sponsor the Sponsored Posts otherwise, you may continue the communication for the guest post, but it may take time to reach a train at the station.

I hope, I helped you to understand the technical issue in my own way also hope it helps.


Your name

Note1: Names and email IDs are fictional characters. 

Note2- I used these techniques to trace one of my fake clients and found these ultimate steps very effective in the location found by email address also the results helped me to be secure also helped me to learn to prevent web fraud. 

Was this content helpful? Share your thoughts.

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Contact us with your specific questions, concerns, or needs. We would be happy to see how our digital marketing consultants can help drive your business’s performance.

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         Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals on ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer, Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri, and SEO Copywriter (Remote) at Octoparse - Octopus Data Inc.

What is the Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan that Grant the Leads ?

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Without a strategic plan, nothing is possible to achieve whereas it's in marketing, it's in sales, it's in traditional marketing, it's in social media marketing, and even on the overall digital marketing campaign.

So, to getting the granted leads on social media and all of the digital marketing channels, What strategic social media marketing plan can grant the lead?

In this sense, we all need to set up a Pre-Strategic and Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan that grants the Leads i.e. any kind of digital media lead, social media leads.

But before expecting a granted lead and set up a Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan, we all should consider the 7 steps.

Before digging, expecting to fill up a jar with a certain amount of water isn't a strategic plan rather gaining quality leads on social media depends on a pre-strategic and strategic Social Media Marketing Plan.

Steps to follow before setup a Pre-Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan:

  1. The survey.
  2. Estimation.
  3. Average aspects.
  4. Investments (calculate the cost and return).
  5. Efforts monitoring.
  6. Filtered data analysis (results after effort).
  7. Project re-modeling (in some cases), and continuation of that project, and monitor progress, Read more on SEOSiri Quora Space.

Social Media Marketing Plan

Let's step forward to the Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan that Grant the Leads (qualified marketing leads, qualified sales leads, and informational leads):

1. Set up business goals.

2. Identify the business goal beneficiary. 

3. Highlight service/products features.

4. Targeting- Businesses, Professionals Group by Business Category.

5. Target Source Category- Where a professional, buyer, business owner (target personas) spends time on the entire web.

6. Get help to find the target source category- Govt. source (relevant department), published news, and web directories.

7. Select the target personas (one who will help to achieve your business goals) needs.

8. Marketing content on social media- To fruitfully the strategic social media marketing plan create combined content considering the above 1 to 7 steps following SEO and Social Media Marketing Guidelines.

9. SEO and Social Media Content- Publish SEO Optimized Blog posts and repurpose that elsewhere on social media where a repurposed content meets that platform's posting requirements, I.E. QA on Quora, Video content on YouTube, Stories on Instagram, Live on Facebook, etc (all posts includes landing page), find more and use as a template this social media marketing plan infographics

10. Social Media Content- Analysis of social media engagement (published updates, scheduled posts, social media videos, social media events, social media stories) using Pixels,  Google Analytics (GA), Social Media Tools (post scheduling, social media content analysis).

11. Outreach- To get the granted leads filter the analytical data insights and reach out to them to those who are showing reactions (social media content engagement, like, share, comments, message, finding store location on your social media content and on the local citation.

12. Communicate and Follow up- To reach the target buyer personas try to reach them through email, over the phone, on social media inbox, roll on a short conversation on social media posts (hi, hello), request and offer them to be subscribed in email newsletter (convert the reader to the buyer or service beneficiary) also a short interval follow-up (it's caring) them to grant the leads.

So, To get the granted leads, follow the above pre-strategic (7 steps) and these the strategic social media marketing plan (12 steps).

Need Help With Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Brand Marketing, Quora Marketing, and Digital Marketing Campaign?

Contact us with your specific questions, concerns, or needs. We would be happy to see how our digital marketing consultants can help drive your business’s performance.

Service Invitation To Business, Brands, and Professionals: Request a quote and Schedule an Appointment or go through to get help in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also you can buy my digital marketing writing gigs, and on any digital marketing service related issues please reach me/us (Meet The Team) through my/our Customer Enquiry Page.

Thank you


         Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad

Momenul Ahmad: Helping businesses, brands, and professionals on ethical SEO, Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Writer and Digital Marketing Blog (Founding) Owner at SEOSiri.