The top hidden secret of Facebook ads campaign
As an expert online marketing professional generally Before running an advertising campaign on Facebook you may ask yourself that What is the top hidden secret of Facebook ads campaign?
Here I will explain your answer by this Facebook marketing q/a session slide where I will ask you a question first after that will give you some of captioned hints slide image so please listen and watch it carefully to understand and answer accurately.
Now let's hear the Facebook Ads Best Practice Question:
Which of the following is a type of objectives you can choose when setting up a campaign on Facebook?
Now let's choose the best answer of social media marketing
Objects are :
Number 1- Reach.Number 2 - Event Responses.
Number 3 - Page Likes.
Number 4 - All the objects are?
You just got a hint here now let's see in the next slide
What or Which is the correct one?
To know the details please follow the above linked two link.
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