Friday 16 October 2020

The Full Stack Digital Marketing Proposal in Web Design, Web Development, SEO and it's appreciated by Ex-clients as a tech savvy and budget friendly Proposal

 Being a full-stack digital marketing company, the SEOsiri unveiled the most authentic and tech-savvy web design, web development, and search engine optimization (SEO) proposal that's the almost unique also business savvy, competitive pricing, user and budget-friendly service proposal for aiming to support the Startup, SME, Entrepreneur, Businesses, Companies, Local Business, Professionals and Individual's Websites in Web Design, Web Redesign, Web Development, Web Bug Fixing and in SEO.

Due to the continued progress of the digital marketplace, there hasn't been any alternative way of business growth having not a business or professional website and digital transformation, that's because it's time to start building a website, maintaining the prebuild websites, transforming the traditional business in the digital market and websites marketing through the earned, paid and owned media. 

So now, Do this website development, website design, and SEO by yourself or Hire a Magnificent Digital Marketing Strategist, Who converts the liabilities into responsibilities. 

But before the start of a web project and hiring the Full Stack Digital Marketing Stuffs  consider these the core points When a Digital Marketer and even Digital Marketing Companies submit a Web Design, Web Development, and SEO Proposal to you:


Executive summary.

Solution Outline.

Site structure.

Site Integrated with.

Additional features.

* Extra features.

Execution Timeline for per website development.


* Project Costs.

Ongoing Fees in a website development project.

Terms of Agreement in Website Design, Website Development & SEO Proposal.

Dear businesses, companies, entrepreneurs, startups, individuals, and professionals I hope, I helped you to catch the core facts of Website Design, Web Development & SEO Proposal now, please give me a chance to describe our Website Design, Web Development & SEO Proposal: 

The Full Stack Digital Marketing Proposal in Web Design, Web Development, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by SEOsiri:

Prepared on: 10/16/2020 

Valid until: Service Completion 

Prepared by: Momenul Ahmad


Momenul Ahmad, banglalink Sales & Service Center, Town Girls High School Market Abdul Hamid Road, Pabna 6600


Thank you for your interest in partnering with SEOsiri for your website development project. With well over 100,000 plus firms offering website development services, we know how challenging it can be to need the right agency for your web development needs. 

At SEOsiri, we hold one goal above all others: 100% client satisfaction. Our in-house team of web designers, copywriters, graphic designers, and developers uphold the highest standards for project planning and execution, and we're dedicated to building the perfect website for your company on time and on-budget. 

We've built websites for several brands around the world with great success, and are quite excited to get to work on yours. 

In this proposal, you'll need examples of our past work along with what we feel is the optimal solution for your website development needs, along with the associated delivery timeline, costs, and project terms. Once you've reviewed this proposal thoroughly, simply electronically sign it at the bottom to indicate your approval. 

Thanks again for the opportunity to earn your business! 

Momenul Ahmad 


Executive summary: 

Your Brand requires a full website build to support your digital growth strategy. This website will allow you to expose your brand to organic audiences via search engines, leverage digital advertising to boost lead generation and deploy content marketing to build brand awareness and authority. 

SEOsiri is uniquely qualified to build the website that you desire, due to our in-house team of designers, writers, and developers, and our experience working with clients in your industry. 

Our past work includes: Newsportal recently launched - 

Solution Outline: 

SEOsiri will build your website using the top content management system (CMS). This CMS is used by more than a million brands around the world and is known for its ease of use, security, and scalability. CMS will allow you to do the following once your website is launched: 

*Easily update page content and images  

*Integrate with analytics software to track page and site performance 

*Post new content to your company blog 

We propose that your site be hosted using modern technologies. This will ensure that your website is capable of supporting a high volume of traffic while remaining protected from malicious entities. 

Site structure: 

                 Your website will have the following structure: 

Website structure template by seosiri


About Us.

Blog Post Post Body. 

Contact Us. 

Additional page 1 (privacy policy). 

Additional page 2 (past and ongoing projects).

Additional page 3 (About Us). 

Or, as per your recommended site structure. 

Site Integrated with:

SEOsiri will integrate your site with the following tools: 

Analytics: Google Analytics 

Search Console: Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu 

CRM: HubSpot 

CMS: Blogger 

Marketing Automation: Chatbot (messenger)

Pixel integration.  

Social Media Integration: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. 

Location Maps 

RSS feed 

These integrations will allow you to use your website as a profitable marketing tool that helps you generate new revenue for your business. 

Additional features: 

Based on previous discussions regarding your goals and expectations, your website will have the following additional features:  

Domain Email. 

Uptime server (Google Hosted). 

Hassle-free hosting (no renewal required). 

Unlimited blogging (post) facilities. 


Extra features:

For extra features, for exceptional support, please let us a chance to consult more on digital marketing.

Execution Timeline for per website development:

The following table details our projected execution timeline for your website development project.

execution timeline in website development


The dates in the table above are estimates based on our experience with similar website development projects. While we strive to accurately estimate project timelines in every proposal, we reserve the right to move delivery dates in response to unforeseen delays or changes to project requirements.

Project cost for website design, website development, and search engine optimization (SEO):

The table below details the costs associated with this project. Invoices will be sent to your company on the dates indicated below, are payable on the bank account (Bangladesh) or over Payoneer (International), and are due on a net-30 basis. 

Project cost for website design, website development, and search engine optimization

Ongoing Fees in a website development project:

Though the ongoing website development project fees table is blank thereafter the table below details monthly fees that may add and vary on regular services and with the service request, which will begin once the website is successfully launched: 

Ongoing Fees in a website development

Terms of Agreement in Website Design, Website Development & SEO Proposal: 

1. Authorization:

Your company is engaging SEOsiri, as an independent contractor for your company website development, deployment, hosting, SEO & support. 

2. Payment:

Fees to SEOsiri are due in accordance with the above-listed pricing table. Fees for monthly services will be invoices on the 1st business day of each calendar month and are due on a net-30 basis. All payments will be made in USD. 

3. Completion:

SEOsiri and your company must work together to complete the project in a timely manner. SEOsiri agrees to work expeditiously to complete the project no later than the launch date (depending on the date of acceptance of the agreement). 

4. Assignment of Project:

SEOsiri reserves the right to assign subcontractors to this project to ensure the right t for the job as well as on-time completion. 

5. Revision During Execution:

Your company may be charged additional fees if it decides to make changes to the agreed-upon project scope and objectives. 

6. Legal & License: 

SEOsiri warrants that the functions contained in this project will meet your company's requirements and that the operation will be reasonably error-free. 

The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the project is with your company. In no event will SEOsiri be liable to your company or any third party for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate the website, even if SEOsiri has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason is unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. 

7. Copyrights & Trademarks: 

Your company represents to SEOsiri and unconditionally guarantees that any elements furnished to SEOsiri. for inclusion in the project are owned by your company, or that your company has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend SEOsiri and its subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements furnished by your company

8. Copyright to Project 

SEOsiri guarantees that all aspects of the design and construction of the project will be disclosed to your company upon completion, and full code, copyrights, and ownership will be the sole property of your company. SEOsiri retains the right to display graphics and other design elements as examples of its work in its portfolio. 

9. Sole Agreement: 

The agreement contained in this Contract constitutes the sole agreement between SEOsiri and your company regarding this project. Any additional work not specified in this contract must be authorized by a written change order. All prices specified in this contract will be honored for three (3) months after both parties sign this contract. Continued services after that time will require a new agreement. 

10. Initial Payment & Refund Policy: 

If your company halts work and applies for a refund within 4 days, work completed shall be billed at the hourly rate of hourly rate and deducted from the initial payment, the balance of which shall be returned to your company. If at the time of the request for a refund, work has been completed beyond the amount covered by the initial payment, your company shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the hourly rate stated above. 

In summary, this Website Design, Web Development & SEO Proposal proposal is a reflection of the commitment and flexibility SEOsiri has for its clients. We have the knowledge and experience to ensure trouble-free and effective management of your project from conception to ongoing operation. From expert designers to interactive marketers to skilled engineers, we have the team to ensure the highest quality site, delivered on time and at a very competitive rate. We know the pitfalls; we know the shortcuts.

Use our team to cut through years of frustrating trial and error. We have identified your requirements and developed an appropriate strategy to ensure these needs are met. We look forward to moving ahead with this proposal and partnering with you on this project.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Momenul Ahmad

  SEOsiri                                                            Your company

   Momenul Ahmad                                                                      Authority Sign

I hope I offer the best, tech-savvy, competitively priced also a budget-friendly proposal to you in Website Building, Web Designing, SEO, and it's already appreciated by Ex-clients as the tech-savvy and budget-friendly Proposal.

Special Invitation:

In the needs website design, websites development, SEO consultancy, or a digital marketing specialist Request a quote and Schedule an Appointment to get help in digital marketing, I.e., SEO Copywriting, Blog Writing, SEO Rewriting, or hire me on Globalwonks to complete your freelance projects, etc.

Best Wishes and cheers to all having patience with these web design, web development, and SEO proposal template.

        Thank you


Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Optimization, Digital Marketing, Webmaster, Content Creator at SEOsiri | Optimizing Search Engines, Optimizing Social MediaFounding Owner of The SEOsiri

Momenul Ahmad is the owner of SEOSiri.comSEO, SEO Copywriting, SMM, SEM, SMO, Marketing, Content Marketer @seosiri, the one who helps businesses To Gen Lead & Love Social Networking. Online marketing and advertising expertise famed and named him as an SEO Consultant Momenul Ahmad.

Stay connected:

SEOsiri / Momenul Ahmad's Social Media Channels to Follow : 

LinkedIn Pinterest  Twitter Facebook  Instagram  G.Page  Quora Profile SEOsiri Quora Space Bing Pages LinkedIn Company Page

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