Sunday 28 January 2018

Winning Tactics For share buttons

What is Share Buttons?

Share Buttons are buttons , Which consist of some specific icon by which, Someone interact with this to share something with others or elsewhere in virtually. +SEO Consultant .

How does Share Buttons work?


I called Social share Button as a ACTION BUTTON and causes is by sharing, We usually express our feelings with content owner and us that ,We like this and along with this sharing a piece of content on our profile we preserve this for ourselves and help our followers and others to enjoy this content .If a content in well written than that content achieve lots of share in a hour or in a day by which a publisher or content owner inspire himself to improve his content .
Now a days Social Share Buttons else and everywhere from a Website to an Apps and it's show your content acceptance and help to grow your content engagement. 
Share Button image source google

Where from I can get Share Buttons ?

You can get it from Social Media Plugin (Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter,Instagram,Pinterest,Content Management Systems(WordPress-Simple Share Buttons a WordPress plug in and rating 4.4 out of 5),Blogger) and Share Buttons Providers as seen below list  of  Share Buttons Providers 

Social Share Buttons list-

Add This
Share This
Simple Share Buttons
Gigya Share Bar
Janrain Social Sharing
Nifty Share Buttons
Zotabox Social Share Buttons 

Share Button In Different Name-
Save to Foursquare 

Are Social Share Buttons Page speed Friendly ?

Yes of course Some of Share Buttons are liable for slow page site speed , So When you are going to implement a Share Buttons on your content than choose wisely and and handle them carefully . 

Personal suggestion to implement of Social Share Button- 

Always try to implement CMS provided plugin and Social Media Platform Provided code snippets .

Create your own Share Buttons if you are capable to handle html,js,css etc,codes but remember  without codding knowledge  never try to implement this at home causes it may fracture your website structure .
Lear in depth How to Create Social Media Buttons for All the Top Social Networks to implement Social Share Buttons manually or Read Through How to Customize Your Social Share Buttons for Increased Traffic .

Social Share Buttons Market Share image by datanyze

Social Share Buttons Market Share Image at a glance by 

What should You consider before implementing a Share Button?
Before implement a Social Share Buttons , You must have to consider some key points as per mentioned below in the case of Premium and Freemium  -
2-Average CMS Review.
3-Negative Impact of Page Loading Speed.
3-Sells Your Data To Ad Networks.
4-Mobile Share Buttons.
5-Basic Sharing Analytics.
6-Advanced Share Analytics.
7-Dark Social Tracking(emails,instant messages)
9- Social Automation.
10- Viral Alerts.
11- Quick Support(chat and email )
If you are not developer than complete this action you can chose me , I will do this in favor of you  and visit About section to know me ,For hire visit Contact Us or go throw SEO Consultant Momenul Ahmad SEO,SEM,SMM,SMO Expert-Googled Online Marketing Upworked SEOs Domain Hosting CDN CMS Expert & Owner of the (look up on besides of home button on the left top )
" Your each and every share,like,comments inspire me and influence me to ride on the Mount Everest"
Thank You 

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Counterfeiting Issues In Search Engine Optimization | Cheap SEO Services

SEO a service ,Where unfortunately SEO gambling to be continuing by Cheap SEO services provider as a result counterfeiting issues are common factors in Search Engine Optimization and that's for always an unpolished (not familiar with SEO Services) Client's on the trapped by so called SEOs as ,Low Cost SEO Services,Affordable SEO Services, Cheap SEO Services,Agencies and sometimes dine  by non professional SEOs.

Cheap SEO Services image credit to Read Full Article


As a service SEO ,Which work on the basis with honesty and it's a service that's at a time rewarded and hated by Search Engine.If you handle this with honesty than obviously you will get positive result which permanently visible on Search Engine upon depend on Keywords,Phrase Keywords ,Backlinks and If you choose dishonest way as Black Hat SEO in generally apply Link Spam,Keyword Stuffing,Cloaking,Hidden Text and Hidden Link (url redirection),Content Automation,Doorway Pages,Reporting a Competitor,Guest Post Networks,Link Manipulation,Article Spinning,Rich Snippet Markup Spam,Automated Queries to Google,Creating Duplicate Content,Malicious Behavioral Content.  In character Black Hat  SEO is Quick Unpredictable and Short Lasting  growth in rankings,Which influence google to upgrade Search Engine Algorithm and you got banned .

SEO Quote:-

"SEO at a time Visible and Measurable service"
 +SEO Consultant

If you not found Visible and Measurable named two essential materials in SEO Service than it's a counterfeit issue so be sure  
If you not found Visible and Measurable named two essential materials in SEO Service than it's a counterfeit issue so be sure and chose an SEO Agency wisely 

Negative Impacts of Black Hat SEO techniques:-

Just Unbelievable world's top 12 companies hit with Google Manual Penalty includes Google Chrome and Google AdWards see below another 10
9-The Home Depot.
8-JC Penny.
7-Over Stock.
1-The Washington Post.
Learn In Depth About Google Manually Penalty

How do I know that SEOs counterfeiting me to complete SEO services?

1-Promised to rank up within short time.
2-Committed to Specified Keywords positioning in permanently on SERPs.
3-Promised to boost up high DA types of Backlinks within in (somehow else).
4- Offer Generating Traffic in a day.
5-Offer Earning Money Opportunity selling link.

When you are hiring SEOs :-

Some common facts , You have too ask before hiring SEOs do this for your site health and safety . 
Your question relevancy terms should be related with SEO industrious as -
Ask them about content,link Building,Team Intro,Competitors ,Ranking,In House Support,Case Study,Analyze etc and learn in depth too clarify more 34 questions you should ask before hiring an SEO agency  and my suggestion is follow their activities all over the internet from personal blog -professional site-social media and try to find out the answer of two question -

1 What they say?
2-What they do?

When you are going to handover your Website for SEO then chose wisely a SEOs and never buy all of packages at a time -

SEO Packages or SEO Services-

1-Basic SEO.
2-Silver SEO.
3-Gold SEO.
4-Platinum SEO.

Extent SEO projects as basis on upon SEOs performance  that's mean buy only basic or basic and silver than checkup delivered SEO services performance when complete, in this way sure yourself  that you are satisfied than go for Gold and Platinum SEO services .

I am worshiper of Organic SEO and Online Marketing so I will request you to that , When you are seeking someone a SEO or Online Marketing Professional one, Who will able to grow ROI, investing his all of  Digital Marketing Expertise than Obviously you can offer me for buy my expertise.
Visit About Us to know and Visit Contact Us for Consultancy and Hire.  

Note - If you love my article than never forget to share, Your one single share influence me to ride on Hyemaly The Mount Everest . 

Thanks for Reading 

Friday 19 January 2018

Use hCard As A Local and International SEO Weapon

In SEO Search Engine Result Page or Pages SERP or SERPs visibility either in local SEO or International SEO is must . There are verious way to improve Search Engine Ranking on 
Search Engine among of them hCard (vCard) is superb and it's work alike SEO weapon.hCard 
in (X)HTML,Atom,RSS,arbitrary XML now a days to generate business or any leads Search 
Engine Optimization , Social Media Optimization is must necessary point

Owner of the Momenul Ahmad's hCard , vCard

When we SEOs serve SEO services in locally or internationally than

Written by 

" If you help Search Engine providing Local Business Info than in reply Search Engine help your Local Business showing relevant Search Engine Result in front of Searcher" 
Momenul Ahmad

- We consider a Web content page named Contact Us,
Where we implement N=Name, A=Address, P=Phone (NAP) and NAP should be Search Engine and Audience friendly . In local SEO or International SEO if your Contact page optimized properly than this properly SEO optimized contact page carry on lots of SEO value and you can do this tough SEO Dev works without any Web Development skill ,To do so Copy hCard simple code snippet  from below box and paste it on your contact page (where it perfect) than replace your character with LARGE BOLD CHARACTERS Which I made easy for you .

SEO friendly hCard (vCard) Code Sample with NAP

Argue to followers:- 

Thank you for reading and If you love my work than never forget  to share this with your dearest and nearest one . I appreciate your comments , share ,follow so  keep me besides on you across all over the Social Media and Interact with me here on this site .  

Appeal To Buyer:-

I sell my expertise to see my expertise please visit About section on the left right top and visit Contact Us besides on About for any query .
Momenul Ahmad 

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Grow audience engagement within an hour on Social Media

As per Voice of Smart Insights " Top ranking Social Media or Social Networking platform Facebook with over 1.870 million active users  and Social Media App Facebook  Messenger  belong to  1.000 million active users so this is the time to grow audience engagement within an hour after publish a content using Social Media Website and on b2b marketing platform as:

Social Media App as Facebook, 

Facebook Messenger, 

Facebook Page Manager,

Facebook Business Manager,










Baidu ,


Snapchat etc.

Written by 

Facebook Page of  banglalink digi generation and Social Media post engagement
Is this well enough just using an app to grow audience engagement?

No never , It's not well enough or not true that  just using Social Media Apps Or Social Media Websites , You will able to grow your content engagement  by in day or an hour  but if  you have an analytical and growth hacking super sense than  you will able to drive your audience towards your content .
Seem that you are not a Social Media Superhero but trying to be a Social Media ninja or guru than I will suggest you to follow below formula for getting Social  Media Engagement result within an hour .

Growth Hacking Math of  Driving Traffic on Social Media  :-

1- Complete Social Media Profile with Eye catching Image .
2-Complete All of  section completely (My Facebook Page  and see below my Facebook page image 

Momenul Ahmad 's facebook page about SEO
3- Use brand image on brand page and thus the same way use individual image on individual page.
4- Proper utilize all of  free Social Media Options as 
1- Share photo and video .
2-Start a live video.
3-Get phone call (self promote phone number on post)
4-Active message button on a post.
5-Help people find your business (create location).
6-Create an event .
7- Create an offer.

Social Media Post Optimization Math:-  

1-Write post within 40 - 80 character.
2-Publish Post within 8 pm to 7 am( when audiences are free)  .
3-Publish post on Wednesday and Sunday.  
4-Publish questionnaire post.
5- Publish influential post(fill in the blank)
6-Publish post on keywords base. 
7-Publish post with pool.

Facebook Local Audience Acquisition Math for Local Business- 
To grow engagement on Social media find out some answers  as
1-When your fan or audience active?
 2-Where they act actively?
3-What is your audience age range?
4- What is your audience demography?
5-What technology they use?
6-Know about their household  and purchase ability.
7-Which post performing well ?

Focusing part of Local Business -
Ask customer to share their CX ( customer experience ) on review section of Social Media platform, When they are ready to share opinion about your business than you can guide them providing a score card , Where you can mention Product,Infrastructural,Customer Service,Transportation etc , So that your customer can specify where to improve or not.
"True review always carry on lots of worth" 
Momenul Ahmad 
and it's SEO friendly , Which help you to grow local visibility on SERPs     

my best performing SEO relevant post on Facebook

using CMS free Integrated analytical tool you will able to know your audience ins and outs.
after analyzing your fans go write a post section than write post applying mentioned on above as post length,keywords,use hashtags,mention popular person, local company,organization,institute,group,mention your others Facebook page,share post on your timeline and mostly active relevant group your own and others pin your post.attach video which captured from public place or captured from your commercial place,arrange events on local popular place along with host local artist ( any suitable performer )
 " "Audience appreciate achievement images" 
use check in,chose the preferred audiences for this post and tag a product,interact with fan mentioning them in reply of their responses as like,comments,share .
Never do to grow Social Media Engagement -
1-Publishing irrelevant content.
2-Never goes to live from home.
3-Avoid posting long length article .
4-Avoid using 8 prohibited hashtags.
5-Never late to response on messaging platform.
6-Never neglect audience feedback.    
Apply all of technices to grow audience engagement within an hour on Social Media . I hope must result will outcome if you follow this Social Media growth hacking tips OR buy my expertise (

SEO,SEM,SMM,SMO Expert-Google Certified Online Marketing and Upwork tested SEOs Domain name Registration, Domain Hosting,WEb Develop,WEb Design,Online Marketing, CDN and CMS Expert)

to grow your audience engagement on Social Media or Wherever you want to improve . 
To know more visit About Section 
To contact visit Contact Us section

About The Author
Thank You

Recommended To You:

YouTube Creators Money


Saturday 13 January 2018

Starting up SEO Work Maps, Search Engine To Social Media

SEO or Search Engine Optimization a work , Which surrounded by spider net and it's spread start by content from Search Engine To Social Media.Our website looks great for good SEO Work(maintaining SEO work Maps), Which done by a SEOs (Why Google not certified someone as a #SEOs?)and When a SEO Consultant do this Complex and Analytical SEO tasks (On Page-SEO and Off Page-SEO ) that time He SEO Specialist or SEO Strategist or Professional SEOs complete by it combining robotic and humanistic sense and focusing on key trigger points and it's necessity's are boundless . Here on below I described those SEO work Step , Which always alive and In near future will alive. 


Step 1- Webmaster & Web Develop tasks:-

Work on Coding, Work On Plug-in, Work On Domain Submission, Verification ((CNAM or DNS or META) on Major Search Engine,HTML Improvement, solving malware and phishing,International or Local Targeting,Blocked Resources Fix up,Site Errors 
Site Error's free image of the

( DNS, Server Connectivity,Robots,txt fetch) Fix Up, Crawl Status Checkup    

Step 2- Analytical Setup:-

Search Engine Paralytics & Social Media Analytical Integration on site, Analytical Linking ( Search Engine to Analytical Profile ) , Google Analytics 360suite linkup 

Step 3- Social Media Outreach Campaign –

Social Media Profile Linking to each others, Profile Optimization, Business Pages Optimization, Social Media Time Line or Profile Embedding (on demand) , Content Syndication (Main Site and Social Media),

On-page and off-page SEO

On-page SEO:-

For effective On-page SEO, it’s essential to localize:
1-      URLs
2- Title tags, with localized targeted keywords
3Headings (H1)
4-Body content
5- Bolded Text
6- Alt attributes,
7- Meta titles and descriptions
8- Navigation labels        
9-Address details
10-  Fast upload speeds
12-Internal links e.g. link to internal Blog, also both help both user and Google
13-Page Creation and Linking
14-RSS or Atom Feed Generation
15-Sitemap Generation 

Off-page SEO:-

·         Creating amazing, relevant, engaging and localized site content
·         Social media marketing — encouraging sharing of your content
·         Genuine reviews on third party sites
·         Article sharing — submitting interesting, high quality articles to well-regarded PR article/business submission directory
·         Image and/or video submission — on image and video submission sites, including title, description tags and links
·         Document sharing — unique and valuable content in pdf or ppt format, on document sharing sites

·         Local Business Listing

SEO Mission: - Improve and Assuring Web presence on Search Engine and Social Media, In order to acquires new customer,traffic and build their brand online.

Note - Comments Appreciated 
For SEO Help - Contact Us ( Any Types Of Business )


Momenul Ahmad

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Complete auditing site SEO Audit mixing robotic and humanistic sense

Site SEO Audits Report


This site SEO Audit result is combination effect of robotic & humanistic and When I auditing On Page SEO and Off Page SEO Audit of a company  , Which business category relevancy with Freight both Air & Sea and Logistics that time I found large  number of misguided ,misplaced ,uncompleted content from tittle to content footer and large number of content in coding (CSS,JAVA,HTML) place there improperly and images are without alt text and not optimized .In SERPs there is no keywords or phrase keywords nither visible nor ranked along with they made another mistake that, they have uncountable chance of using high volume keywords, keywords phrases in content but either they ignore or passed them instead of proper using long tail keywords. I seem this one alike bonded book which never been read.
Priority Keywords
Ocean Freight
Effective Midum Keywords
lowest cost logitics service provider,best routing,

marking, l
import/export regulations,
transit cargo insurance,
cargo survey & claim procedure,
finding alternative routings emergencies,
cost savings and warehousing and distribution.

Keywords Research

Keywords Placment , Anchor Link, Anchor Tex

Link Section Improvment (backlink generate,dynamic ,broken and http status error code fixing ).
Tag section improvement.
Content writing, Content re-writing basis on keywords.
Images Optimization.
Page spped
In coding- CSS,Java,HTML modification and correction
High Authority Backlink Creation,Sitemap Creation, RSS Feed Generation

Page level SEO and Page level speed score

Search Engine and Social Media Analytical profile setup
Social Media Plugin (like,comment, share,page,profile etc)

Site submission on major search engine ,directory,forum,local listings

Site Social Bookmarking , Local Businesss Listing etc.

Site verifecation on leading search engine and Webmaster profile setting .

Note – All of working areas are not mentioned here causes every and each terms carry on multifunctional activites just some of trigger points be noted here for better understand I attatched images .